Latest in: typography
I was looking at my daughter's toys last night and wondered if I could make something with them, well I could so I did.
Every day there's some new feature introduced to generative AI that has potential uses outside of what was planned. Like, I doin't think Adobe was even thinking about Typography when they introduced their take …
I wanted to make an invite for a birthday party I was putting together and ended up with this. For the record, the party didn't happen. I had to cancel after our babysitter got …
The other night I wanted to see if I could design a type face as minimally as possible. Starting with a base rectangle and seeing how I could distinguish each letterform with as few …
Over the past month I've been developing a pair of complementary fonts titled "Clothes" and "Clothes Sans." I wanted to do something that was completely hand drawn because It's an area that I know …
I was listening to one of my favorite albums from when I was in high school (Midwestern Songs of the Americas by Dillinger Four) and remembered how much I loved this one song. I …
Just doing a little bit more lettering on my iPad because it had been awhile. Wanted to try combining a few different styles to see how it would come out. Not loving how the …
My friend Nilza was hanging out last night and I started playing with her full name (first + last) in Procreate on my iPad. I customized the Nico Roll brush that's built in so …
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